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Episodio 30 - Luciérnaga voladora

Episodio 30 - Luciérnaga voladora

Este es el último episodio de la temporada! Hoy os cuento un proyecto al que le tengo mucho cariño. Os voy a mostrar como realizar una levitación de una luz como si fuera una luciérnaga. Solo se necesita un poco de pulso y paciencia, pero es muy fácil de realizar.

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Comentarios 8

manuel en Miércoles, 17 Junio 2015 10:32

Jajaja...q grande Martín, muy bueno y practico video...pero sobre todo divertido...un fuerte abrazo.

Jajaja...q grande Martín, muy bueno y practico video...pero sobre todo divertido...un fuerte abrazo.
sergio lopez en Jueves, 18 Junio 2015 05:48

Excelente, practico y super visual!! lo intentare en alguna rutina!! Felicidades por la primer temporada!!

Excelente, practico y super visual!! lo intentare en alguna rutina!! Felicidades por la primer temporada!! :) en Sábado, 20 Junio 2015 10:59

Felicidades por la temporada!

Felicidades por la temporada!
Juan Luis en Lunes, 06 Julio 2015 20:46

Mi mas sincera enhorabuena por la temporada, espero que haya mas. Supongo que al mago que te refieres es J*** M****** y su juego de M******. Si la idea era tuya Martín muchas felicidades.

Mi mas sincera enhorabuena por la temporada, espero que haya mas. Supongo que al mago que te refieres es J*** M****** y su juego de M******. Si la idea era tuya Martín muchas felicidades.
Fran Otero en Martes, 07 Julio 2015 08:19

Enhorabuena Martín!!! felicidades por el trabajo.

Enhorabuena Martín!!! felicidades por el trabajo.
Martin Andersen en Viernes, 31 Julio 2015 13:45

Muchas gracias a todos!
Estamos planificando la segunda temporada para que sea mejor que la primera. A ver que sale

Muchas gracias a todos! Estamos planificando la segunda temporada para que sea mejor que la primera. A ver que sale :D
Robert Branham en Lunes, 16 Octubre 2017 07:25

Nice video. We come full circle. I arrived at your site trying to reach Juan for some information on a couple of his products, one of the being the LED trick. I help a magician friend develop routines and tricks, and he bought a copy of the trick and got very excited to routine it. Having spent much of my youth chasing fireflies, I immediately thought of them. I have built a small Arduino firefly flash simulator for background, but so far cannot convince my friend to go that way. Oh well . . .

Nice video. We come full circle. I arrived at your site trying to reach Juan for some information on a couple of his products, one of the being the LED trick. I help a magician friend develop routines and tricks, and he bought a copy of the trick and got very excited to routine it. Having spent much of my youth chasing fireflies, I immediately thought of them. I have built a small Arduino firefly flash simulator for background, but so far cannot convince my friend to go that way. Oh well . . .
Martin Andersen en Lunes, 16 Octubre 2017 13:18

Hehe, well. Maybe if you show him my firefly he will like it.
I tried to make it flash and dim gradually with a microcontroller, like a firefly, but the results i got didnt really add to the realism, so i stick with the simple method i explained. I think like it is is very deceptive. Even the movement is quite natural.

Hehe, well. Maybe if you show him my firefly he will like it. I tried to make it flash and dim gradually with a microcontroller, like a firefly, but the results i got didnt really add to the realism, so i stick with the simple method i explained. I think like it is is very deceptive. Even the movement is quite natural.
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